Hello, there! I’m Aaliah.
This is my journal for exploring and expressing my philosophy of life. Through poetry, prose, and photography,
I search for the meaning and beauty behind every day experiences.
I write for younger me, future me, and the me that will one day become a memory. And I write for all of you who may one day encounter these words and find some meaning in them.
I dedicate my journal to my fellow truth-seekers, idealists, and dreamers.
May we leave the world better than we found it.
Recent posts:
- The Faith Letters: FragmentsDear Part of Me That Needs to Hear This, What a journey it’s been. What a time you live in. What courage it takes to be awake in a world with an abundance of injustice. When something is alive, it moves. That’s the journey of your faith. Your faith’s been on quite the journey these […] Read more…
- Love To the Point of TearsOn nights like this, my tears feel so near. Like they’re wanting to come out for a breath of fresh air but not waiting for my permission. It’s not sadness. Or despair. These tears just want a chance to see the world. To leave my body and mix with infinity of atoms that surround me. […] Read more…
- Midnight Musings: On HealingI told myself I’d take a break from my daily nightly posts on Instagram so I could focus on business development, but my thoughts keep coming back to healing. It’s half an hour past midnight, and I feel wide awake. It’s a bit chilly in my room because I don’t think the heater is on, […] Read more…