I’m the girl behind the words you’ve been reading. My name is Aaliah.

My whole life I’ve been caught in places between. East and west. Faith and doubt. Virtue and sin. Art and science. Emotion and reason.  I’m a middle child and third culture kid who grew up on three continents, and, for most of my life, I’ve been fascinated with the quest for life’s meaning. This preoccupation has lured me down roads and up mountains I never thought I’d come near. In high school, I ditched public education and did an alternative distance learning program. In college, I studied English, Education, and Psychology, and graduated with more credits than I ever needed. My career so far has been in psychology research, applied psychology consulting, market research, and project management. Every road I’ve been down has been an attempt to live a life rich with passion and purpose, and every step along the way has led me to the where I am today: training to be a life purpose coach and experimenting with entrepreneurship.

I’m honored to have you as my companion on this journey to explore the philosophy of lifestyle through journaling and journeying, traveling and unraveling, being and becoming.